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BOINC Pentathlon - Thank you!
Thank you to all the BOINC Pentathlon participants who devoted their time and computing power to NFS@Home, and to SETI.Germany for organizing this event. We look forward to next time!
21 May 2024, 1:00:21 UTC · Discuss

BOINC Pentathlon
Welcome BOINC Pentathlon participants. NFS@Home has been chosen for the Javelin Throw discipline starting May 10 at midnight UTC.
9 May 2024, 16:31:16 UTC · Discuss

And we're back!
The NFS@Home server was unexpectedly caught up in a campus network reorganization. That knocked us offline for a bit over a day. There may be brief outages over the next few days as we get everything settled again, but we are mostly back up with a new IP address. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Edit: The site came back up in the US on Friday afternoon PST, but because of a misconfigured firewall it wasn't available worldwide until Saturday afternoon. Again, we apologize for the issues.
5 Jan 2024, 21:43:57 UTC · Discuss

NFS@Home will be offline Saturday, May 27
The NFS@Home project will be offline much of the day on Saturday, May 27, due to campus IT maintenance and testing. All access should be restored by 8pm PDT.

Greg Childers
26 May 2023, 17:40:13 UTC · Discuss

New record penultimate prime factor
NFS@Home has found a new record penultimate prime factor! 7,889M, which is a portion of the number 7^889+1, splits into 151-digit and 160-digit prime factors. This 151-digit prime factor beats the old record, a 147-digit prime factor of 12^293+1. Congrats to all contributors who helped set this new Cunningham project record!
25 Mar 2022, 23:52:00 UTC · Discuss

Hogmanay Hootenanny 2022 Challenge
The Hogmanay Hootenanny 2022 challenge begins shortly on Dec. 31 at 12:00 UTC. Welcome to all participants!
30 Dec 2021, 21:49:11 UTC · Discuss

Change NFS@Home to use SSL
I have modified NFS@Home to use SSL. As a result, the project URL has changed from http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs to https://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs. If you see problems as a result of this change, you may need to remove then reattach the project. Old http links will continue to work.
13 Nov 2021, 6:55:35 UTC · Discuss

Two new apps launched
Two new apps have been launched, lasievee_small and lasievef_small. As the numbers we factor become larger, the lasieved app has largely become inadequate while the lasievee app queue has grown very long. In an attempt to compensate, job memory use and runtime has crept upward to stretch the capability of the apps. To alleviate these issues, these new apps will provide additional flexibility to choose the app most appropriate to the size of the number being factored while keeping memory use and runtime more reasonable. If you have modified your project preferences to run only specific applications, you may want to adjust your settings to enable these new apps. Thanks for your contributions to NFS@Home!
3 Sep 2020, 20:38:37 UTC · Discuss

BOINC Pentathlon
Welcome BOINC Pentathlon participants. Note that if you haven't participated in NFS@Home recently and are having trouble queuing work, then complete a few workunits and send them back. The server doesn't send much work to machines that haven't returned any recently.
7 May 2019, 17:48:38 UTC · Discuss

We're back
Due to an unexpected campus-wide power outage, the project was offline for several hours. Power has been restored, and the project is returning to normal. Thanks for your patience.
22 Apr 2019, 15:00:37 UTC · Discuss

Option to delete your account is now enabled
As supported by the current BOINC server software, I have enabled the option to delete your NFS@Home account if you wish. Please note that if you choose to do so, it is permanent. Deleted accounts are removed from the database and cannot be recovered.
29 Mar 2019, 7:16:15 UTC · Discuss

It's been quite a while since the last news post, but work has been continuing. On the status pages you can follow the many completed factorizations. Also, I yesterday I updated the BOINC server code to the latest version.
28 Mar 2019, 21:03:04 UTC · Discuss

New factorizations and an upcoming challenge
We have completed two new factorizations, 2,2026M and 3,790+. Details are on the Status of Numbers page.

A new challenge, Need Faster Ships Pirates Ahoy part deux NFS@Home Challenge, is running Oct 7-14. Join us at http://boincstats.com/en/stats/challenge/team/chat/815
5 Oct 2016, 0:11:56 UTC · Discuss

2,1954M, 2,1982M, 2,1009+, 2,1019+, XYYXF 139,122, and XYYXF 147,136 factored
We have completed 2,1954M, 2,1982M, 2,1009+, and 2,1019+ from the Cunningham Project, and 139,122 and 147,136 from the XYYXF project. Details of all of these factorizations are available on the Status of Numbers page. Let's keep it up!
[Edited to add 2,1019+]
15 Sep 2016, 18:51:54 UTC · Discuss

2,1934M factored
2,1934M finished tonight. It factored into 102-digit and 123-digit prime numbers.
22 Aug 2016, 5:12:00 UTC · Discuss

12,271+ is factored
One more is done. 12,271+ factors into 109-digit and 142-digit prime numbers. Let's keep it up!
21 Aug 2016, 22:41:52 UTC · Discuss

Two more complete
Two more Cunningham Most Wanted numbers are done. 7,353+ factors into 89-digit and 152-digit primes, and 7,353- factors into 98-digit and 165-digit primes.
4 Aug 2016, 20:30:21 UTC · Discuss

And another two are done
We have finished another two Cunningham Most Wanted numbers. 6,383- factors into 92-digit and 172-digit prime numbers, and 5,422+ factors into 91-digit and 145-digit prime numbers. Let's keep it going!
4 Aug 2016, 4:12:37 UTC · Discuss

Two more factored
Two more Cunningham Most Wanted numbers are factored. 3,617- factors into 110-digit and 168-digit prime numbers, and 11,283+ factors into 92-digit and 167-digit prime numbers. Let's keep going!
2 Aug 2016, 4:39:01 UTC · Discuss

11,283- factored
NFS@Home has factored 11,283-, a Cunningham Most Wanted number. It factors into 118-digit and 150-digit prime numbers. We have received a small additional allocation of cluster time from TACC, so a few more factorizations will follow shortly. Thanks for your continued contributions!
1 Aug 2016, 3:59:44 UTC · Discuss

Need Fast Ships, Pirates Ahoy NFS@Home Challenge 7/10 - 7/17
Anguillan Pirates has issued a NFS@Home challenge July 10-17. See their thread for details, and join the challenge at BOINCStats! And don't worry about the postprocessing backlog. I'll catch up!
6 Jul 2016, 5:38:16 UTC · Discuss

12,271- completed
NFS@Home has completed 12,271-, a Cunningham More Wanted number. It factors into 97-digit and 138-digit prime numbers. Thanks to larger than expected sieving contributions we are a little behind in postprocessing, but will catch up soon! Thanks for your continued help, and keep it up!
6 Jul 2016, 5:26:13 UTC · Discuss

2,1028+ is done
NFS@Home has completed 2,1028+, another Cunningham Most Wanted number. It factors into 74-digit and 168-digit prime numbers. We have nearly completed the sieving of 12,271+ and 12,271-. In a change of pace, we are going to factor two large XYYXF numbers then return to the Cunningham project. Thanks for you continued help!
15 May 2016, 19:33:45 UTC · Discuss

Both 2,989+ and 2,991+ are complete
Two more Cunningham Most Wanted numbers are factored. 2,989+, a three way split, is the product of 76-digit, 79-digit, and 96-digit prime numbers. 2,991+ is the product of 75-digit and 150-digit prime numbers. Let's keep going!
25 Apr 2016, 21:42:53 UTC · Discuss

7,346+ is factored
Another Cunningham Most Wanted number is factored. 7,346+ is the product of 85-digit and 167-digit prime numbers. Thanks as always!
7 Apr 2016, 20:52:31 UTC · Discuss

And 5,419+ is finished
We have finished one more Cunningham Most Wanted number. 5,419+ is the product of 100-digit and 136-digit prime numbers. Thanks again for your help!
25 Mar 2016, 20:09:38 UTC · Discuss

5,419- is done
And another Cunningham Most Wanted number falls. 5,419- is the product of 78-digit and 147-digit prime numbers. I wish you all a happy spring/autumn!
20 Mar 2016, 6:28:28 UTC · Discuss

Project will be offline Saturday, March 12
Due to a planned electrical upgrade in the data center, the NFS@Home project will be offline on Saturday, March 12. I am told the upgrade should be completed by the end of the day. We apologize for any inconvenience.
2 Mar 2016, 23:55:30 UTC · Discuss

10,298+ is factored
One more Cunningham Most Wanted number is factored. The composite cofactor of 10,298+ is the product of 128-digit and 139-digit prime numbers. In addition to finishing up 2,1285-, we are currently working on the two easier numbers 5,419- and 5,419+. Thanks again for your help!
2 Mar 2016, 23:45:07 UTC · Discuss

6,376+ factored
Another Cunningham Most Wanted number is complete. The composite cofactor of 6,376+ is the product of 98-digit and 127-digit prime numbers. Thanks for all of your contributions!
8 Feb 2016, 5:54:19 UTC · Discuss

BOINC code upgrade
I updated the project to the latest version of BOINC. As part of this, I also enabled SSL on the server. Please let me know if you run into any new issues. Thanks for your assistance!
27 Jan 2016, 23:14:32 UTC · Discuss

Project will be offline tomorrow
The server will be taken offline late tomorrow (Thursday) morning (PST) for relocation to a different data center. I anticipate that it will be back online Friday afternoon, so I expect downtime of a little over a day. Be sure to stock up on workunits for the outage. Thanks again for your contributions!
6 Jan 2016, 22:31:04 UTC · Discuss

2,983+ factored
Here's one more Cunningham Most Wanted number complete to close out 2015. The composite cofactor of 2,983+ is the product of 85-digit and 151-digit prime numbers. Thanks for all of your contributions over the past year, and let's work to make 2016 the best yet!
31 Dec 2015, 19:16:07 UTC · Discuss

6,490+ factored
At long last, after sieving a large fraction of it twice due to a server mishap 6,490+ is factored by GNFS (and the backup procedures have been improved). It is the product of 70- and 142-digit prime numbers. Thanks for your contributions!
6 Dec 2015, 2:35:25 UTC · Discuss

New 15e number queued
A new C182 (the XYYXF number with the highest GNFS:SNFS difficulty ratio) is queued up on 15e; thanks to ChristianB for using two weeks of GPU time on his GeForce 750Ti to do the polynomial selection. 2340_742 will start linear algebra tomorrow.
15 Jul 2015, 20:52:50 UTC · Discuss

10,359- factored
10,359- has been factored by GNFS. It is the product of 101- and 108-digit prime numbers. We still have lots of sieving to do for 6,490+. Thanks for your help!
4 Jul 2015, 3:35:35 UTC · Discuss

16e status updated
The long neglected 16e status page has been updated with the 6 7 factorizations completed so far this year. We will shortly have an 8th completed. Thanks for all of your contributions!
2 Jul 2015, 22:33:37 UTC · Discuss

BOINC code upgrade
I'm working on transitioning the project's per-app credits from my custom code to the official BOINC code. Various credit- and badge-related displays may be a bit broken for a bit. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Edit: I think everything should be working now. Please let me know if you find anything broken by leaving a comment on this post. Thanks!
2 Jul 2015, 0:12:42 UTC · Discuss

193-digit GNFS coming atcha!
After five GPU-weeks of polynomial selection and a thousand CPU-hours of trial sieving, I've queued up a 193-digit GNFS from the aliquot-sequences project.

For this one I choose parameters to run through c5=1..10^7 in five GPU-weeks, which came out as stage-1 norm of 1e28 and stage-2 of 1e26. The best polynomial came from the first block, with c5=286440. Average yield (over Q=5e7*N .. 5e7*N+1e4 for N=1..8) is just slightly under 1, so I'm sieving 50M..500M to get a good number of relations.

There will be a 190-digit coming in about another three weeks when the polynomial selection's finished.
1 May 2015, 20:21:04 UTC · Discuss

The Need For Speed II Challenge
The (N)eed (F)or (S)peed II Challenge issued by SETI.USA team and will start from 2015-03-15 00:00 UTC to 2015-03-20 00:00 UTC . All teams are invited to join the challenge.

Stats can be followed here: http://boincstats.com/en/stats/challenge/team/chat/652
Don't forget that team leader should be register at boincstats so that the team can be added to the challenge.

We hope to see all teams gathered to crunch some NFS@Home wu's and to increase their badge status.

Best of luck!
23 Feb 2015, 19:08:39 UTC · Discuss

Planned outage
The NFS@Home project will be offline for part of this weekend due to a planned data center outage. Everything should be back online Sunday.
16 Oct 2014, 23:13:14 UTC · Discuss

New Windows x64 v5 app deployed
Steve Searle has recently modified the lasieve v5 assembly code to work with Windows x64. Building on this, I have compiled and deployed a new Windows x64 lasievef v5 app. If you are using Windows x64, you may see these workunits running. Please let me know if you encounter problems.
25 Jul 2014, 23:02:40 UTC · Discuss

The Need For Speed Challenge
The (N)eed (F)or (S)peed Challenge issued by SETI.USA team and will start from 2014-06-21 00:00 UTC to 2014-06-26 00:00 UTC. All teams are invited to join the challenge.

Stats can be followed here: http://boincstats.com/en/stats/challenge/team/chat/557
Don't forget that team leader should be register at boincstats so that the team can be added to the challenge.

We hope to see all teams gathered to crunch some NFS@Home wu's and to increase their badge status.

Best of luck!
2 Jun 2014, 18:51:48 UTC · Discuss

3,766+ factored
3,766+ has been factored. It is the product of 66-digit, 75-digit, and 76-digit prime numbers. This is a new Cunningham project champion for GNFS. Let's now set a new record with 3,697+!
1 Apr 2014, 22:34:13 UTC · Discuss

Credit badges added
User and team badges for total credit since the beginning of the project and for individual app credits since I started tracking them a couple of days ago have been implemented. Details about the badge levels are at http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/forum_thread.php?id=457. Let's get sieving for the individual app badges!
6 Jan 2014, 8:11:56 UTC · Discuss

I've updated to the latest BOINC server code, which now supports badges! Badges have been assigned to users and teams with the top 1%, 5%, and 25% recent average credit. These badge assignments will be updated daily. Thanks for your contributions!
28 Dec 2013, 3:02:59 UTC · Discuss

Server upgrade complete
The server upgrade is now complete. The entire site should now be much more responsive, and we should be able to handle many more users. Thanks for your patience!
14 Dec 2013, 1:11:32 UTC · Discuss

Server upgrade
The server will soon be going offline for a few hours for a server upgrade. If you find the site is down, be assured that it will be back soon.
9 Dec 2013, 22:40:44 UTC · Discuss

10,770M factors
10,770M has been factored. It is the product of 102-digit and 111-digit prime numbers. This is a new Cunningham project champion for GNFS. Thanks again for stepping up to the plate and helping finish this one before the end of the grant year on Oct. 1!
18 Sep 2013, 18:38:06 UTC · Discuss

7,394+ factored
7,394+ has been factored. It is the product of 71-digit and and 126-digit prime numbers. 10,770M is nearly complete, and the sieving of 3,766+ is going well.
17 Sep 2013, 5:41:06 UTC · Discuss

Upcoming outage
The campus has announced a planned network outage from Friday, August 16, at 7pm to Saturday, August 17, at 7am Pacific Time. The project will be unavailable during this time. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.
12 Aug 2013, 21:22:22 UTC · Discuss

3,745+ and 3,706+ factors
Both 3,745+ and 3,706+ have been completed. 3,745+ was the product of 62-digit and 140-digit prime numbers, and 3,706+ was the product of 62-digit and 145-digit prime numbers. These are the new first and second place Cunningham project champions for GNFS.
4 Aug 2013, 8:21:20 UTC · Discuss

Unscheduled downtime, August Heat challenges
There was unscheduled downtime today due to a campus-wide power outage. All is now back up and operational.

We have upcoming challenges at BOINCStats. Be sure to join in the challenge, boost your team in the stats, and have some fun!
31 Jul 2013, 0:05:03 UTC · Discuss

Calling all 64-bit Linux sievers!
To finish the 10M770 in this grant period, the 64-bit Linux 16e v5 sieving speed needs to triple for the next couple of months.

If you have a 64-bit linux machine free, please consider contributing to the sieving. If you are contributing using 64-bit linux computers, consider changing their "location" in the host details screen linked from http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/hosts_user.php to a currently unused one, then setting that location to get only lasieve5f workunits in your NFS@Home Preferences at http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/prefs.php?subset=project.

Finally, let other potential contributors know that we can use their help for the next two months. Thanks!
20 Jul 2013, 20:08:55 UTC · Discuss

2,1049+ factors
2,1049+, our second largest factorization, is now complete. It was the product of 104-digit and 115-digit prime numbers. Likewise, L1803 and L1809 are also complete. 3,745+ is postprocessing now, and the sieving of 3,706+ is going well.
5 Jun 2013, 20:25:20 UTC · Discuss

New Windows x64 apps deployed
Building on the work of Dan_Ee, I have compiled and deployed new Windows x64 apps. These are 50% to 100% faster than the 32-bit apps depending on your processor. Please let me know if you encounter problems.
7 May 2013, 22:40:57 UTC · Discuss

kilobit postprocessing underway, factorizations completed
The postprocessing of 2,1049+, our fourth kilobit factorization, is now underway and is expected to take about 4 weeks. The factorizations of F1229 and L1797 have been completed. We will now be working on successively harder GNFS factorizations, and the sieving of our first, 3,745+, is going well.
29 Apr 2013, 23:38:26 UTC · Discuss

Upcoming BOINC challenges and completed factorizations
Starting at the stroke of midnight (UTC) on April 1, NFS@Home will be hosting the April Showers challenge at BOINCstats. If you haven't done so already, be sure to encourage your team to participate!

In other news, the factorizations of F1821 and F1839 have been completed. Thanks again for all of your contributions!
29 Mar 2013, 23:06:29 UTC · Discuss

F1797 factored
The Fibonacci number F1797 has been factored. It is the product of 112-digit and 136-digit prime numbers.
6 Mar 2013, 1:43:39 UTC · Discuss

5233,71- factored
5233,71- has been factored. It is the product of 93-digit and 169-digit prime numbers.
4 Mar 2013, 23:45:19 UTC · Discuss

BOINC server updated
The BOINC server software has been updated to the latest version. Please let me know if you encounter any problems.
27 Feb 2013, 22:44:52 UTC · Discuss

2,1037- factored
2,1037- has been factored into three factors. It is the product of 67-digit, 86-digit, and 137-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1049+ is going well. Thanks again to all who make this project a success!
31 Jan 2013, 1:25:24 UTC · Discuss

11,301- and 3617523089023,19- factored, 2,1037- postprocessing
11,301- and 3617523089023,19- have each been factored into their prime cofactors, and have been reported to the Cunningham and OddPerfect projects respectively.

Thanks to your participation, the December to Remember challenge certainly was one to remember! The surge in computing power allowed us to complete the sieving of 2,1037- before the end of 2012. It is now in postprocessing on the Trestles cluster at the San Diego Supercomputing Center and should finish in a few weeks.

Thanks again for all of your contributions! You are the key to the success of this project.
19 Jan 2013, 19:32:09 UTC · Discuss

One billion credits!
The NFS@Home project is on track to surpass 1,000,000,000 credits awarded today! As a CPU-only project, this is a significant milestone for us. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to the project!
18 Dec 2012, 19:30:19 UTC · Discuss

December to Remember Challenge continues
Part II of the December to Remember Challenge continues today. Let's keep sieving and finish 2,1037- this year!
18 Dec 2012, 19:02:56 UTC · Discuss

11,301+ factored
11,301+ has been factored into 104-digit and 107-digit prime numbers. The challenge is going very well with nearly 8.5 teraflops of computing power devoted to NFS sieving. The server is a little slow, but it's keeping up with the work. If this rate continues the sieving of 2,1037- will be complete before the end of this year!
17 Dec 2012, 21:15:37 UTC · Discuss

December to Remember Challenge
Be sure to sign your team up for the NFS@Home December to Remember! Challenge at BOINCstats. It has just started, but it's not too late!
11 Dec 2012, 0:22:26 UTC · Discuss

1723,83- factored
1723,83- has been factored into 87-digit and 180-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1037- is going well, and a total of 50 numbers have been factored thus far with lasieved. Thanks for all of your help!
27 Nov 2012, 7:05:56 UTC · Discuss

3,725+ factored
3,725+ has been factored into 79-digit and 102-digit prime numbers using GNFS. The sieving of 2,1037- is progressing nicely.
15 Oct 2012, 17:43:54 UTC · Discuss

2,1019- factored
As expected, 2,1019- finished this week. It has been factored into 76-digit and 171-digit prime numbers. Thanks again to all the volunteers who make these efforts possible!
12 Oct 2012, 21:14:31 UTC · Discuss

We'll be back in a couple of hours...
We had a hard drive failure. No data was lost, the drive has been replaced, and I'm taking the project down for a couple of hours to allow the RAID array to rebuild more quickly. We'll be back shortly...
11 Oct 2012, 21:10:17 UTC · Discuss

3,637+ factored
3,637+ has been factored into 63-digit, 66-digit, and 109-digit prime numbers. The postprocessing for 2,1019- is going well and should finish before this weekend.
9 Oct 2012, 21:44:48 UTC · Discuss

3,637- factored, NSF grant renewed
3,637- has been factored into 85-digit and 127-digit prime numbers. In other news, the National Science Foundation XSEDE grant has been renewed for another year, so we have lots of sieving to do! We can use as much computing time as you have available to donate, and your help is greatly appreciated!
23 Sep 2012, 4:48:14 UTC · Discuss

Puzzle solved!
The composite cofactor of the RSA public key factored into 91-digit and 97-digit prime numbers. With these factors, we are able to decrypt the RSA-encrypted literary quote. What quote did Donald Knuth hide so well?

His remarks (as reported) were as follows:--
"O Rowty-owty tiddly-owty
Tiddly-owty tiddly-owty
Highty-ighty tiddly-ighty
Tiddly-ighty ow."

--G. K. Chesterton (1905)

This is from The Tremendous Adventures of Major Brown, the first in the collection of short stories The Club of Queer Trades.
15 Sep 2012, 20:48:12 UTC · Discuss

3,635+ factored
3,635+ has been factored into 94-digit and 99-digit prime numbers. The RSALS merger is going smoothly, and we have already factored 10 RSALS-sized numbers!
22 Aug 2012, 23:47:40 UTC · Discuss

Welcome RSALS sievers!
As announced on their website, the RSALS project is merging into NFS@Home. The RSALS infrastructure has been integrated into NFS@Home, including the familiar Current jobs page. Also, Lionel from RSALS will continue to administer this subproject. If you wish to only participate in RSALS projects on NFS@Home, then make sure to enable only the lasieved app in your NFS@Home Preferences. However, if your computer has sufficient memory, you are welcome to contribute to the harder projects as well. Welcome aboard!
16 Aug 2012, 21:31:12 UTC · Discuss

Bernoulli(200) factored
The numerator of Bernoulli(200) has been factored into 90-digit and 115-digit prime numbers. The final processing was done by Emmanuel Thome and Paul Zimmermann with CADO-NFS using the Grid 5000 platform.
6 Aug 2012, 7:54:34 UTC · Discuss

Puzzle time!
In the second volume of The Art of Computer Programming, Donald Knuth included a puzzle. A literary quotation is encrypted using the RSA algorithm, and we will decrypt it by factoring the public encryption key! This effort will use the lower-memory lasievee application, so more of you will be able to participate. The workunits for this challenge start with Gtaocp, and they will start going out shortly. Let's crack this as quickly as possible!
5 Aug 2012, 6:25:21 UTC · Discuss

New SNFS record!
2,1061- has been factored into 143-digit and 177-digit prime numbers. This is a new record for the largest ever SNFS factorization, and is a new Cunningham champion in three categories!
4 Aug 2012, 19:08:44 UTC · Discuss

3,625- factored
3,625- has been factored into 72-digit and 135-digit prime numbers. The new Mac OS X and FreeBSD apps are working well. If you have had trouble with NFS@Home on these platforms in the past, I encourage you to give us another try!
29 Jul 2012, 1:57:05 UTC · Discuss

64-bit FreeBSD app released
For FreeBSD fans, a native FreeBSD app has been released for x86_64 processors. It should work with FreeBSD 7+ as long as the COMPAT_FREEBSD7 kernel option has not been disabled. Thanks go to FreeBSD Daemon for his assistance in creating this port.
19 Jul 2012, 7:01:57 UTC · Discuss

197,113- factored
197,113- is now factored into 117-digit and 141-digit prime numbers.
9 Jul 2012, 23:46:15 UTC · Discuss

7,365- factored
7,365- is now factored into 97-digit and 125-digit prime numbers.
3 Jul 2012, 6:20:40 UTC · Discuss

59,149- factored
59,149- is now factored into 101-digit and 162-digit prime numbers. The sieving of B200 is complete and postprocessing has begun, and 7,365- will likely finish this weekend.
30 Jun 2012, 3:58:26 UTC · Discuss

64-bit Mac OS X app now supports OS X 10.5 as well
After learning more than I wanted to know about compiling in Mac OS X, the 64-bit sieve now supports OS X 10.5+. If you are using OS X 10.5, please give it a try and report any problems that you experience. Thanks!
4 Jun 2012, 15:18:53 UTC · Discuss

64-bit Mac OS X app released
A 64-bit Mac OS X app has been released. It uses less memory and is much faster than the older 32-bit app for Mac. Note that this was built with Xcode 4.0, and requires Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard or greater. It will not run with 10.5 Leopard.
2 Jun 2012, 0:37:47 UTC · Discuss

10,305+ factored
10,305+ is now factored into 75-digit and 135-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1061- is nearly complete. (Really this time!) The sieving of B200 is going well, and once the sieving of 2,1061- is done the V5 applications will also be used to sieve B200. Let's get B200 done as quickly as possible!
28 May 2012, 4:46:47 UTC · Discuss

Help needed to factor Bernoulli(200)!
Barry Mazur and William Stein wish to include the factors of the numerator of the 200th Bernoulli number in their upcoming book, and you can help! This is a large GNFS factorization, but NFS@Home has the ability to sieve it in 2-3 months. Therefore, I am placing 2,1019- on hold for a bit. If you have the memory for it please use the lasievef application help factor B200, and let's complete it as quickly as possible!
8 May 2012, 5:08:50 UTC · Discuss

11,290+ factored
As predicted, 11,290+ finished today. It has been factored into 91-digit and 110-digit prime factors.
28 Apr 2012, 22:53:42 UTC · Discuss

5,433+ factored
5,433+ has been factored into 133-digit and 139-digit prime factors. This sets a third place record for SNFS difficulty and a first place record for largest penultimate factor for the Cunningham project! The sieving of 2,1061- is going well using the new app for 64-bit Linux, as is the sieving of 10,305+ and 2,1019- using the traditional apps. 11,290+ is in postprocessing and should finish this weekend.
25 Apr 2012, 7:43:10 UTC · Discuss

2,1000+ factored
2,1000+ is now factored into 67-digit and 151-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 11,290+ is underway.
8 Apr 2012, 7:13:42 UTC · Discuss

lasieve5f app released for 64-bit linux
A new lasieve5f app has been released for 64-bit linux. This app allows sieving over a larger range and thus will allow us to complete 2,1061-. If you are currently sieving using the lasievef app and use 64-bit linux, please ensure that this app is enabled in your preferences. If you are avoiding the lasievef app because of the large memory usage, please ensure that this app is disabled in your preferences.
31 Mar 2012, 17:41:12 UTC · Discuss

7,355+ factored
7,355+ has been factored into 80-digit and 126-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1000+ is also complete and post-processing has begun. The sieving of 5,433+ is nearly complete, and I'm hoping to soon finish the sieving of 2,1061- with a modified siever.
30 Mar 2012, 0:49:02 UTC · Discuss

15e errors fixed!
I made a mistake setting up the 2,1000+ project that caused all workunits to immediately end with a compute error. That has now been fixed. I apologize for the inconvenience.
10 Mar 2012, 7:33:46 UTC · Discuss

2,1990L factored
2,1990L is now factored into 109-digit and 126-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 7,355+ is underway.
26 Feb 2012, 18:35:18 UTC · Discuss

2,2382M factored
2,2382M is now factored into 100-digit and 119-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1990L is going well.

31 Jan 2012, 21:00:16 UTC · Discuss

10,590M factored
10,590M is now factored into 101-digit and 112-digit prime numbers. It finished on New Years Day, but the announcement was delayed by a very hectic few weeks. The sieving of 2,2382M is nearly complete, and I just queued the first workunits for 2,1990L. I also queued 40,000 more workunits for 2,1061-, which I am hoping will be sufficient.
19 Jan 2012, 23:32:34 UTC · Discuss

3,605+ factored
The project volunteers made quick work of 3,605+. It has been factored into 76-digit and 109-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 10,590M is going well.
4 Dec 2011, 5:03:32 UTC · Discuss

2,1822M factored
2,1822M has been factored into 85-digit and 131-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 3,605+ is nearly complete, and 10,590M has begun.
27 Nov 2011, 19:25:53 UTC · Discuss

10,274+ factored
10,274+ has been factored into 77-digit, 88-digit, and 90-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1822M is going well. Once it is complete, we will start a run of smaller numbers that require quartic algebraic polynomials. This means that they will be a bit harder than they first appear based on size, but easier than numbers we have been doing lately.
22 Oct 2011, 5:54:47 UTC · Discuss

11,263+ factored
11,263+ has been factored into 78-digit and 174-digit prime numbers. This was a successful test of new linear algebra enhancements by Ilya Popovyan.
9 Sep 2011, 19:27:51 UTC · Discuss

Kilobit SNFS factorization completed!
2,1031- has been factored into 74-digit and 225-digit prime numbers. This is the project's first kilobit SNFS factorization and the second largest SNFS factorization to date. The 74-digit factor appears just out of reach of recent attempts using ECM on a cluster of Playstation 3's. Join the sieving of 2,1061- and help us set a new SNFS record!
9 Aug 2011, 20:22:14 UTC · Discuss

2,1814M factored
2,1814M has been factored into 98-digit and 137-digit prime numbers. The linear algebra of 2,1031- is now about 80% complete.
27 Jul 2011, 21:05:12 UTC · Discuss

7,323+ factored
7,323+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 65-digit and 164-digit prime numbers. The post-processing of 2,1031- is going smoothly. The linear algebra is about 40% complete.
27 Jun 2011, 17:50:01 UTC · Discuss

7,323- factored
7,323- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 92-digit and 150-digit prime numbers. 2,1031- is now again in post-processing.
15 Jun 2011, 0:28:44 UTC · Discuss

2,2114M factored, cluster upgrade
2,2114M is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 73-digit and 126-digit prime numbers. 2,1031- will soon be back to post-processing. I have successfully created a matrix for it, but am exploring reducing its size a bit. Thanks to a small grant from the university, the cluster used for the post-processing of lower difficulty numbers has been upgraded to InfiniBand communication, which halves the time required for the linear algebra. Thanks again for your contributions!
6 Jun 2011, 6:08:34 UTC · Discuss

7,341+ factored
7,341+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 75-digit and 134-digit prime numbers. Thanks!
30 May 2011, 17:15:56 UTC · Discuss

6,349- and 6,374+ are factored
6,349- and 6,374+ are both factored. The composite cofactor of 6,349- was the product of 68-digit and 141-digit prime numbers, while that of 6,374+ was the product of 104-digit and 111-digit prime numbers. Thanks again for your contributions!
24 May 2011, 6:58:57 UTC · Discuss

2,979+ factored
2,979+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 101-digit and 155-digit prime numbers. Filtering indicates 2,1031- requires a bit more sieving, so don't be surprised when more work units for it appear in your work queue.
27 Apr 2011, 3:51:14 UTC · Discuss

5,389- factored
5,389- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 79-digit and 152-digit prime numbers.
4 Apr 2011, 19:05:43 UTC · Discuss

Problem work units have been purged
A batch of bad lasievef (16e) workunits were accidentally sent out. Those have now been canceled and will be removed from your work queue automatically when your client next connects to the project. I apologize for the inconvenience.
24 Mar 2011, 7:21:30 UTC · Discuss

3,569- factored
3,569- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 115-digit and 116-digit prime numbers. A few more work units for 2,1031- are being released, but we're close to beginning postprocessing!
19 Mar 2011, 19:20:52 UTC · Discuss

6,377- factored
6,377- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 64-digit, 77-digit, and 109-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1031- is nearing completion!
4 Mar 2011, 0:59:33 UTC · Discuss

2,1040+ and 2,997+ factored
2,1040+ and 2,997+ are factored. The composite cofactor of 2,1040+ was the product of 82-digit and 103-digit prime numbers, and that of 2,997+ was the product of 103-digit and 184-digit prime numbers. 2,997+ is the third largest SNFS factorization completed to date. The sieving of 2,1031- continues to go well!
21 Feb 2011, 8:58:46 UTC · Discuss

6,347+ and 2,1099+ factored
6,347+ and 2,1099+ are factored. The composite cofactor of 6,347+ was the product of 95-digit and 101-digit prime numbers, and that of 2,1099+ was the product of 71-digit and 112-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1031- continues to go well!
30 Jan 2011, 23:07:55 UTC · Discuss

5,386+ factored
5,386+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 76-digit and 147-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1031- is going well!
9 Jan 2011, 5:56:38 UTC · Discuss

5,895M factored
5,895M is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 80-digit and 101-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,997+ is nearing completion, and we will soon begin sieving NFS@Home's first kilobit SNFS, 2,1031-.
21 Dec 2010, 22:11:28 UTC · Discuss

Overnight outage
I apologize for the overnight outage. A power line was struck by lightning Sunday night which caused the campus to lose its 66kV power supply. Everything should now be back to normal.
6 Dec 2010, 19:32:26 UTC · Discuss

6,379+ factored, and another third place record
6,379+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 62-digit and 208-digit prime numbers. This is a new Cunningham project third-place record for SNFS difficulty!
1 Dec 2010, 20:46:48 UTC · Discuss

2,1195+ factored
2,1195+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 70-digit and 110-digit prime numbers. 6,379+ will soon finish as well. 5,895M is now in postprocessing, and the sieving of 5,386+ and 2,997+ is going well.
30 Nov 2010, 1:32:59 UTC · Discuss

2,2086L factored
2,2086L is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 55-digit and 149-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 5,895M and 2,997+ is going well.
19 Nov 2010, 1:49:24 UTC · Discuss

6,346+ and 3,607- are factored
Both 6,346+ and 3,607- finished yesterday. The composite cofactor of 6,346+ was the product of 95-digit and 147-digit prime numbers, and that of 3,607- was the product of 85-digit, 96-digit, and 110-digit prime numbers. 3,607- sets a new second-place record for the largest Cunningham number factored by size of the number factored. The sieving of 2,2086L and 6,379+ is going well.
2 Nov 2010, 20:46:54 UTC · Discuss

5,409- factored
5,409- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 96-digit and 186-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 6,346+ and 3,607- is going well.
4 Oct 2010, 19:17:41 UTC · Discuss

7,338+ factored
7,338+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 80-digit and 156-digit prime numbers. The postprocessing of 5,409- is on track, and the sieving of 6,346+ and 3,607- is going well.
28 Sep 2010, 1:37:08 UTC · Discuss

3,563+ factored, NSF Teragrid grant
3,563+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 117-digit and 123-digit prime numbers. Sieving of 6,346+ and 3,607- has begun. In other news, we have received a National Science Foundation Teragrid grant of 300000 CPU-hours to further explore parallelization of the linear algebra step in postprocessing. The linear algebra of 5,409- will be run on Teragrid supercomputers beginning next week.
17 Sep 2010, 21:33:54 UTC · Discuss

Mac OS X Intel app released
A new 32-bit Intel Mac OS X application has been released. This application should run on both 32-bit and 64-bit Intel-based Macs. A colleague kindly provided an account on his iMac, and after much frustration the compiler finally generated a binary that passes all of my local tests. However, I have no other Macs to test it on, so please give it a try and report any problems that you encounter.
4 Sep 2010, 22:49:35 UTC · Discuss

3,563- factored
The second number largely sieved during the NFS Mid-August Push, 3,563-, is now factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 83-digit and 117-digit prime numbers. Sieving of 5,409- is progressing steadily, albeit slowly.
22 Aug 2010, 16:45:09 UTC · Discuss

12,254+ factored
The NFS Mid-August Push was highly successful, and as a result 12,254+ is now factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 97-digit and 134-digit prime numbers. We are now sieving 5,409-, the largest factorization ever attempted with open source software. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!
18 Aug 2010, 21:49:36 UTC · Discuss

5,448+ factored, team challenge begins this weekend!
5,448+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 65-digit and 141-digit prime numbers. The NFS team challenge at BOINCstats starts this weekend. Be sure your team is signed up!
6 Aug 2010, 8:11:37 UTC · Discuss

2,904+ factored, sievers needed!
2,904+ is factored. This was #4 on the Cunningham Project's Ten Most Wanted list. The composite cofactor was the product of 81-digit and 130-digit prime numbers. We still need lots of sievers! Let's push 12,254+ through as quickly as possible and start the record-sized numbers!
31 Jul 2010, 19:03:50 UTC · Discuss

Larger numbers & credit adjustment
Thanks to recent advances in the msieve postprocessing code, a significant barrier limiting the size of numbers that we can factor has been removed. Therefore, over the next few months, we will be factoring progressively larger numbers using the lasievef application. To reflect the increased importance of these larger work units, their credit has been adjusted.

If your computer has at least 1.25 GB of memory per core and you are not running other memory-hungry applications in the background, please try disabling the lasievee application in your NFS@Home preferences. If your computer can successfully run the lasievef application, you will contribute to the largest NFS factorizations completed to date using open source software and will earn more credits per day. In the case of a quad-core computer with 4 GB of memory, you will earn more credit per day running three instances of lasievef and leaving one core idle than running four instances of lasievee.

Do not worry if your computer does not have sufficient memory for the lasievef application or other background processes prevent you from using it. Work for lasievee will continue to be available over the long term.
27 Jul 2010, 20:26:22 UTC · Discuss

2,1036+ factored
2,1036+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 71-digit and 142-digit prime numbers.
27 Jul 2010, 19:52:49 UTC · Discuss

7,364+ factored
7,364+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 73-digit and 152-digit prime numbers. Let's keep going!
17 Jul 2010, 0:42:51 UTC · Discuss

11,287- factored
11,287- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 68-digit and 118-digit prime numbers. Thanks to the recent introduction of parallel linear algebra into msieve, the postprocessing now takes less time than sieving. We need more sievers! Let's keep going!
2 Jul 2010, 18:18:55 UTC · Discuss

11,287+ factored
11,287+ is factored. It was a rare three-way split. The composite cofactor was the product of 64-digit, 71-digit, and 100-digit prime numbers. 11,287- will finish shortly. Let's keep going!
1 Jul 2010, 0:00:47 UTC · Discuss

10,387- factored
10,387- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 97-digit and 125-digit prime numbers. Thanks to exciting improvements in the parallelization of the msieve postprocessing code, two more should finish soon. Let's keep going!
29 Jun 2010, 8:04:52 UTC · Discuss

2,1798L factored
2,1798L is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 62-digit and 146-digit prime numbers. Another should finish soon. Let's keep going!
27 Jun 2010, 16:21:12 UTC · Discuss

10,387+ factored
10,387+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 80-digit and 143-digit prime numbers. Another should finish in about a week. Let's keep going!
21 Jun 2010, 6:19:30 UTC · Discuss

10,384+ factored
10,384+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 81-digit and 131-digit prime numbers. Another should finish (again) in a few days. Let's keep going!
18 Jun 2010, 5:42:22 UTC · Discuss

10,272+ factored
10,272+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 98-digit and 114-digit prime numbers. Another should finish in a few days. Let's keep going!
15 Jun 2010, 20:16:32 UTC · Discuss

6,385- factored
6,385- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 84-digit and 103-digit prime numbers. Another should finish in a about a week. Let's keep going!
8 Jun 2010, 6:59:16 UTC · Discuss

3,562+ factored
3,562+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 86-digit and 170-digit prime numbers. Another should finish in a few days. Let's keep going!
4 Jun 2010, 6:50:44 UTC · Discuss

5,427- factored
5,427- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 70-digit and 135-digit prime numbers. Let's keep going!
30 May 2010, 5:07:08 UTC · Discuss

Our 50th factorization!
5,427+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 54-digit and 145-digit prime numbers. This is the project's 50th completed factorization! Let's continue working toward another 50!
24 May 2010, 4:40:01 UTC · Discuss

2,1774M factored
2,1774M is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 103-digit and 113-digit prime numbers. I've added a report of our daily progress to the server status page, and it's slowly creeping upward. Thank you for all of your contributions!
18 May 2010, 17:28:02 UTC · Discuss

3,583+ factored
3,583+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 76-digit and 149-digit prime numbers. Our daily production has dropped to half of its peak value. Let's get it back up!
5 May 2010, 8:33:28 UTC · Discuss

2,1766L factored
2,1766L is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 122-digit and 137-digit prime numbers. That's our largest penultimate factor to date. Let's keep going!
4 May 2010, 1:16:01 UTC · Discuss

2,1762M factored
2,1762M is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 88-digit and 146-digit prime numbers. Let's keep going!
25 Apr 2010, 6:42:36 UTC · Discuss

5,383- factored
5,383- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 88-digit and 96-digit prime numbers. Let's keep sieving!
17 Apr 2010, 21:48:39 UTC · Discuss

2,1762L factored
2,1762L is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 83-digit and 166-digit prime numbers. The next one should finish within the next week or so. Let's keep going!
16 Apr 2010, 6:45:20 UTC · Discuss

2,899- factored
2,899- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 91-digit and 95-digit prime numbers. The next one should finish shortly. Let's keep going!
15 Apr 2010, 0:18:32 UTC · Discuss

10,271- factored
10,271- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 94-digit and 121-digit prime numbers. Two more should finish in the next few days, so let's keep going!
11 Apr 2010, 4:17:38 UTC · Discuss

11,257- factored
11,257- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 61-digit, 71-digit, and 94-digit prime numbers. On to the next one!
6 Apr 2010, 18:36:17 UTC · Discuss

2,1754M factored
2,1754M is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 79-digit and 102-digit prime numbers. 11,257- is running a bit behind, but should finish soon. Let's keep going!
2 Apr 2010, 6:52:43 UTC · Discuss

Scheduled downtime this weekend
The NFS@Home project will be down from Friday evening, March 26, until Monday morning, March 29. There is major electrical work being performed over the weekend, so the building power will be out. I apologize for the inconvenience.
24 Mar 2010, 23:13:43 UTC · Discuss

2,1718M factored
2,1718M is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 92-digit and 108-digit prime numbers. We have to wait a few days for the next one. Let's keep going!
21 Mar 2010, 6:36:01 UTC · Discuss

11,254+ factored
11,254+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 68-digit and 160-digit prime numbers. The next number should finish very soon.
20 Mar 2010, 19:52:26 UTC · Discuss

2,1718L factored
2,1718L is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 96-digit and 137-digit prime numbers. Let's keep going!
14 Mar 2010, 4:02:08 UTC · Discuss

7,314+ factored
7,314+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 66-digit and 150-digit prime numbers. 2,1718L should finish soon. Let's keep going!
14 Mar 2010, 1:04:44 UTC · Discuss

EM43 factored
EM43 is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 68-digit and 112-digit prime numbers. This factorization allows progress on the sequence to continue. Two additional numbers should finish in the next few days. Let's keep going!
9 Mar 2010, 19:38:16 UTC · Discuss

2,887+ factored, 2,899- delayed
2,887+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 83-digit and 124-digit prime numbers. In other news, disaster struck the linear algebra of 2,899-. The process was killed, and the checkpoint file was corrupted. The linear algebra step will need to be restarted from scratch. Let's keep going!
5 Mar 2010, 21:39:37 UTC · Discuss

Project is back online
An extended power outage overnight exhausted the UPS and shut the server down. Everything is now back online and humming along. Again, please let me know if you find something that is amiss.
27 Feb 2010, 18:08:01 UTC · Discuss

Server maintenance is complete
The server maintenance is complete. Everything is back up and (hopefully) running smoothly. Please let me know if you find something that is amiss.
27 Feb 2010, 0:46:52 UTC · Discuss

Short downtime planned for Friday
The server will be down briefly on Friday afternoon (Pacific time) for routine maintenance. It should last less than an hour (with luck) so most users will not be affected.
24 Feb 2010, 19:34:31 UTC · Discuss

2,1714L factored
2,1714L is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 78-digit and 114-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1718M is going well. Let's keep going!
15 Feb 2010, 18:50:16 UTC · Discuss

2,887- factored
2,887- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 73-digit and 137-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1718L is going well. Let's keep going!
11 Feb 2010, 19:37:33 UTC · Discuss

5,377+ factored
5,377+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 79-digit and 93-digit prime numbers. I have released a little more sieving for 5,383- to reduce the size of the matrix produced. Let's keep going!
5 Feb 2010, 20:06:38 UTC · Discuss

6,338+ factored
6,338+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 82-digit and 83-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 10,271- and 11,257- is going well. Let's keep going!
4 Feb 2010, 22:26:00 UTC · Discuss

10,268+ factored
10,268+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 63-digit and 181-digit prime numbers. 11,257- has begun sieving. It's been a productive January. Let's make February a good month too!
1 Feb 2010, 4:27:47 UTC · Discuss

2,1714M factored
2,1714M is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 64-digit and 105-digit prime numbers. 11,254+ is now in postprocessing, and 11,257- will soon start sieving. Let's keeping going!
31 Jan 2010, 0:08:23 UTC · Discuss

7,311- factored
7,311- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 66-digit and 160-digit prime numbers. Let's keep going!
28 Jan 2010, 21:20:22 UTC · Discuss

3,548+ factored
3,548+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 58-digit and 139-digit prime numbers. 10,271- and 5,383- have begun sieving.
24 Jan 2010, 18:58:36 UTC · Discuss

5,373+ factored
5,373+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 101-digit and 114-digit prime numbers. EM43 is now in postprocessing, 2,1714L will soon begin postprocessing, and 2,1714M and 6,338+ are sieving.
19 Jan 2010, 1:49:53 UTC · Discuss

2,941- factored
2,941- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 69-digit and 211-digit prime numbers. This near-record factorization was spearheaded by Tom Womack and completed in collaboration with the MersenneForum.org participants, NFS@Home, and Bruce Dodson.
13 Jan 2010, 7:32:24 UTC · Discuss

6,332+ factored
6,332+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 69-digit and 108-digit prime numbers. EM43 has now started sieving.
8 Jan 2010, 18:56:43 UTC · Discuss

RSA-768 factored (but not by us)
A new record GNFS factorization has been completed. The 232-digit number RSA-768 has been split into two 116-digit primes. Compare this to our soon-to-start (and much easier) factorization of the 180-digit EM43. NFS@Home earns a brief mention in the paper.

8 Jan 2010, 1:35:20 UTC · Discuss

6,331+ factored
6,331+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 68-digit and 160-digit prime numbers. 7,314+ and 2,887+ are now in postprocessing. The next factorization will finish shortly.
7 Jan 2010, 19:24:42 UTC · Discuss

6,323+ factored
One last number for 2009! 6,323+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 106-digit and 115-digit prime numbers. Have a safe and happy 2010!
1 Jan 2010, 4:18:07 UTC · Discuss

10,269- factored
10,269- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 91-digit and 143-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 7,311- is going well, and 3,548+ will soon be in postprocessing. Let's keep sieving!
21 Dec 2009, 6:15:00 UTC · Discuss

5,361+ factored, 6,323+ delayed
5,361+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 62-digit and 159-digit prime numbers. The factorization of 6,323+ has been delayed. Block Lanczos failed to find any non-trivial solutions of the matrix. While fortunately rare, this does occasionally happen. A new matrix has been generated, and another linear algebra run has begun. The sieving of 7,311- will soon begin, and 5,373+ is now in postprocessing. The next factorization will finish in a few days.
16 Dec 2009, 22:30:00 UTC · Discuss

DC Vault
In other news, today the project was added to the DC Vault. I've queued up lots of work, so let the battle over team position commence!
12 Dec 2009, 20:50:00 UTC · Discuss

2,1678M factored
2,1678M is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 64-digit and 133-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 3,548+ has begun, and 6,332+ is now in postprocessing. The next factorization will finish shortly.
12 Dec 2009, 20:00:00 UTC · Discuss

2,1678L factored
2,1678L is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 98-digit and 99-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 5,373+ and 10,268+ is going well, and 6,332+ will soon be in postprocessing. The next factorization will finish in a few days.
9 Dec 2009, 20:15:00 UTC · Discuss

2,1726L factored
2,1726L is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 108-digit and 109-digit prime numbers. 5,373+ has started sieving. The next factorization will finish in a few days.
7 Dec 2009, 19:15:00 UTC · Discuss

6,334+ and 5,361- factored
6,334+ and 5,361- are factored. The composite cofactor of 6,334+ was the product of 80-digit and 101-digit prime numbers, and that of 5,361- was the product of 71-digit and 118-digit prime numbers. 5,373+ will soon start sieving, and 6,331+ is in postprocessing. Look for the next factorization tomorrow.
6 Dec 2009, 22:15:00 UTC · Discuss

12,239- factored
12,239- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 101-digit and 102-digit prime numbers. 5,361+ is now sieving, and 2,1678M is in postprocessing. The next few factorizations will finish in early December.
25 Nov 2009, 20:00:00 UTC · Discuss

2,863- factored
2,863- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 97-digit and 137-digit prime numbers. 12,239- should complete in a few days.
22 Nov 2009, 19:30:00 UTC · Discuss

2,859+ factored, minor hardware issue resolved
2,859+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 83-digit and 151-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 6,323+ has started, and 2,1678L is in postprocessing. The RAID array is successfully rebuilt, and all is back to normal.
21 Nov 2009, 8:15:00 UTC · Discuss

7,307+ factored, minor hardware issue
7,307+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 89-digit and 137-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1678M has started, and 2,1678L will soon be in postprocessing. Also, a drive in the server failed today, but fortunately RAID did its job. I swapped the drive out, and the array is rebuilding now. Another number down, lots more to go!
19 Nov 2009, 23:00:00 UTC · Discuss

2,856+ factored
2,856+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 69-digit and 155-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 2,1678L has started, and 6,334+ is in postprocessing. Let's keep sieving!
15 Nov 2009, 7:45:00 UTC · Discuss

2,853+ factored
2,853+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 101-digit and 121-digit prime numbers. The sieving of 5,361- has started, and 2,1726L is in postprocessing. Let's keep going!
8 Nov 2009, 0:15:00 UTC · Discuss

3,538+ factored
3,538+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 77-digit and 101-digit prime numbers. We should have the factors of 2,853+ in a few days. Let's keep going!
5 Nov 2009, 0:15:00 UTC · Discuss

2,851+ factored
2,851+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 93-digit and 121-digit prime numbers. 7,307+ is now in postprocessing, and the sieving of 10,269- and 6,334+ is going well.
31 Oct 2009, 8:50:00 UTC · Discuss

Status update
First of all, I apologize for the brief periods of downtime over the past few days. The project has grown larger than I originally anticipated, so I've been optimizing the back-end configuration. The good news is that now the project has plenty of room to grow. 2,859+ and 12,239- are now in postprocessing, and the sieving of 7,307+ is finishing and 2,1726L is going well. After a few minor bumps, the sieving of 2,941- with the 16e siever is also going well. And finally, the factors of 2,851+ should arrive Saturday.
28 Oct 2009, 3:30:00 UTC · Discuss

One of the goals of the project is to collaborate with other groups on record-size factorizations. As such, we are assisting mersenneforum.org with their factorization of 2,941-. This is the second largest SNFS factorization to date (the largest is 2,1039-), and the largest using open source software. These workunits use the lasievef application. As a reminder, if you do not wish to run these workunits, you may deselect the lasievef application in your NFS@Home preferences.
23 Oct 2009, 0:00:00 UTC · Discuss

16e Lattice Sieve
Shortly I will begin releasing work for the 16e lattice sieve, lasievef. These workunits will take a bit longer to process and will require up to 1 GB of memory. The BOINC client will process them only if your computer has sufficient memory. You can choose not to process these work units by deselecting the lasievef application in NFS@Home preferences in your account. Workunits for the current lasievee application will continue to be available.
22 Oct 2009, 19:30:00 UTC · Discuss

12,233- factored, 6,334+ partially factored
12,233- is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 64-digit and 151-digit prime numbers. Also today, ECM pretesting found a factor of 6,334+. Unfortunately, the cofactor remains composite so the number still requires sieving. 2,863- is in postprocessing, 3,538+ will soon start postprocessing, the sieving of 2,859+ is slowly finishing, and the sieving workunits for 12,239- have started going out.
20 Oct 2009, 18:45:00 UTC · Discuss

12,232+ factored
12,232+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 61-digit and 120-digit prime numbers. 2,863- will soon start postprocessing, and the sieving of 3,538+ is going well.
16 Oct 2009, 2:30:00 UTC · Discuss

Move to server-determined credits
Due to a large number of requests, the number of credits granted is now determined by the server by monitoring the number of credits claimed by a reference computer. Although there is a small variation in the amount of work required for each work unit, this will average out over time.
15 Oct 2009, 0:35:00 UTC · Discuss

2,853+ and 2,856+ in postprocessing
Both 2,853+ and 2,856+ are now in postprocessing, and both should finish in the second week of November. Thanks to a major push by a few members of Ars Technica in addition to the numerous other contributors, these went quite quickly. Sieving for 2,863- is going well, and we will soon start the sieving of 3,538+.
11 Oct 2009, 20:25:00 UTC · Discuss

6,316+ factored
6,316+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 101-digit and 110-digit prime numbers. I have released a bit more work for 2,853+ to reduce the size of the matrix. Sieving of 2,856+ is going well.
5 Oct 2009, 20:30:00 UTC · Discuss

5,353+ factored
5,353+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 94-digit and 137-digit prime numbers.
2 Oct 2009, 23:30:00 UTC · Discuss

6,317+ factored
6,317+ is factored. The composite cofactor was the product of 68-digit and 158-digit prime numbers.
2 Oct 2009, 5:30:00 UTC · Discuss

New server, status of numbers
I've been quiet the past week, but there's a lot going on behind the scenes. First, thanks to a generous donation the project has been moved to its third and hopefully final server. The last one was working fine, but it now has proper redundant disks and power supplies. Of course, I'll still be doing regular backups. 12,233- is now in post-processing and should take about 19 days or so. The sieving of 2,851+ is nearly done, so the post-processing will start in a day or two. The sieving of 2,853+ will take another few days to finish, at which point we'll start 2,856+. Finally, we have a flurry of results coming, starting with 6,317+ which should finish in a few hours.
1 Oct 2009, 20:15:00 UTC · Discuss

12,232+ in postprocessing, next two projects
I just started postprocessing for 12,232+. I don't yet have the matrix size, but I expect it to be around 11 million by 11 million elements and to take about 3 weeks or so to solve. The sieving of 12,233- is nearing completion. The next two projects 2,851+ and 2,853+ are nearly the same difficulty, so we will investigate the effect that increasing the large primes from 30-bits to 31-bits has on the size of the final matrix.
24 Sep 2009, 4:45:00 UTC · Discuss

6,317+ in postprocessing, next project
6,317+ is now in postprocessing. With additional sieving, a somewhat smaller matrix with 9.2 million by 9.2 million elements was created and will take about 11 days to solve. The sieving of 12,232+ is nearing completion, and work units for the next project, the Cunningham number 12,233-, are starting to go out. I've created a page to track the status of each number.
19 Sep 2009, 20:45:00 UTC · Discuss

6,316+ in postprocessing, next project
6,316+ is now in postprocessing. A matrix with 10.9 million by 10.9 million elements was created and will take about 19 days to solve. 5,353+ is on track and should take about 16 more days to solve. The sieving of 6,317+ is nearing completion, and work units for the next project, the Cunningham number 12,232+, are starting to go out.
17 Sep 2009, 5:45:00 UTC · Discuss

Connection issues resolved (hopefully)
I apologize for the extended outage today. I moved the project over to a beefier server, so hopefully the connection issues are resolved. I'll keep a close eye on it going forward. Thanks again for your patience!
16 Sep 2009, 2:45:00 UTC · Discuss

Connection issues
The project is still running well thanks to BOINC's buffering mechanism, but the site is experiencing intermittent connection issues. Please be patient as we iron these out. Thanks!
15 Sep 2009, 17:30:00 UTC · Discuss

5,353+ in postprocessing, next project
5,353+ is now in postprocessing. A matrix with 11 million by 11 million elements was created and will take about 19 days to solve. The sieving of 6,316+ is nearing completion, and work units for the next project, the closely related Cunningham number 6,317+, are starting to go out.
14 Sep 2009, 5:45:00 UTC · Discuss

2,2214L result, 5,353+ status, next project
2,2214L is factored! The composite cofactor was the product of 87-digit and 104-digit primes. The sieving of 5,353+ is nearly complete. There are about 3000 work units still out, and I anticipate that they will trickle in over the next few days. The next project is 6316+1, which is also a Cunningham Project wanted number. Let's keep going!
11 Sep 2009, 20:45:00 UTC · Discuss

We are now included in BOINCstats! The linear algebra for 2,2214L is nearly 50% complete and is on track to finish in another day. The sieving of 5,353+ is still going well, so spread the word and let's move up the list!
10 Sep 2009, 20:00:00 UTC · Discuss

2,2214L post-processing has started
There remain a few 2,2214L work units out there, but there was sufficient sieving that they are not necessary for the final calculations. Although they will not be used, credit will be given for completing them. Filtering of the relations produced a matrix of 4.49 million x 4.49 million elements. This matrix should take about two days to solve, so we should have our first factors then. We have completed about half of the sieving of 5,353+, so keep crunching!
9 Sep 2009, 19:30:00 UTC · Discuss

2,2214L is almost done
2,2214L is nearly done. As of now, there are 580 work units still in progress. The results already submitted are sufficient to create a matrix of 4.7 million x 4.7 million elements. The relations in the additional work units will reduce the size of this matrix, making it easier to solve. The sieving of 5,353+ is going well, so keep crunching!
8 Sep 2009, 2:00:00 UTC · Discuss

5,353+ added
2,2214L is going along well. As of now, we have completed about 20% of the required sieving. For the next project, we will sieve the number 5353+1. The sieving of this number will be about 9 times harder than the sieving of 2,2214L. Let's keep the computers busy!
6 Sep 2009, 5:30:00 UTC · Discuss

Public Beta
As a public test of this platform, we will sieve 2,2214L. Try it out and report any problems.
5 Sep 2009, 3:00:00 UTC · Discuss

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