Last updated 14 Mar 2025, 17:55:04 UTC

gigadisk (" I am crunching for CZECH NATIONAL TEAM.")
Vit Kliber ("I am cruncher from Czech National Team I manage...")
nenym ("I'm traffic engineer. My main job is programming traffic controllers. Member of Czech...")
KPX ("Greetings from Prague to all BOINC crunchers! :-)")
koll ("Czechoslovak 1963 Mi, Computer, BOINC, Geocaching, Photo, Bicycle, Breadbaker, ...")
Meharts ("Hi I'm from Czech Republic, my name is David")
Wabi CZ ("My name is Milos and I am 53 years old. I live in Brno, which is a wonderful town in The...")
Velda ("")
Biosphere ("CNT / Ceske Budejovice [1978] Mam rad spontalnost, kosmos, dark ambient, prekvapeni ......")
Zelvuska ("Student of physics from Czech Republic.")

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