Last updated 14 Mar 2025, 10:55:03 UTC

AF-Lorraine-bernardP ("Bonjour, un petit passage.")
apohawk (" I'm from Poland and I'm a linux sysadmin. My interests and hobbies include aikido,...")
ATS ("Im a computer engineer also got my MCSE I was never good at math; but alteast I can help...")
Arthusp ("Greetings from Boinc@Poland!")
AgiraStudio ("I'm a Web-Designer / Graphic-Designer from the Russia! ")
AstroCruncher ("안녕하세요^^ Hello, everyone! I'm a student from Korea. I'm...")
anchedo ("I started crunching for distributed computing projects back in 2001. In 2008 I became a...")
Agus ("Vivo en una pequeña ciudad muy cerca de Madrid - España. Me interesa mucho la...")
artemis8 ("I live in Kansas City, MO with my husband and son. I love to read, write, bicycle, camp,...")
Alan ("I am originally from New York, live in Colorado now, I am 50 years old, married with 3...")

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