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Posts by SERKER Worldwide, inc.

1) Message boards : NFS Discussion : 3,667- is P74 * P202 Question (Message 2143)
Posted 24 Mar 2021 by SERKER Worldwide, inc.

Thank you, I assumed the P74 was a specific prime, now it all makes sense. The link you provided was humbling. I thank you dearly, even for the immensity and insanity this provides. :)

After studying a PasteBin, I never thought to compare another job with P74 and compare the primes to notice a difference.

(what I'm aware I don't know) ^ (the more I learn) = (humility)

Thank you!!!

2) Message boards : NFS Discussion : 3,667- is P74 * P202 Question (Message 2141)
Posted 24 Mar 2021 by SERKER Worldwide, inc.
As things progress, I'm kind of confused mathematically, and perhaps I don't understand the number sieve..

Given that we now know that P74 * P202 = 3,667- through mass distributive factoring, I'm faced with a "perhaps silly question".

Once we knew P74 (long ago), and, once we knew P202, (less long ago), why wasn't the number sieve checking P202 against all of the previous P# to sieve out 3,667- before we even attempted 3,667- ?

By all means, please don't consider this a complaint. I'm not considering staying or leaving. I'm not questioning the validity of the project. I'm not making some judgement about productivity vs wasting time. The benefits that my machines get from being busy with this project outweigh any of these topics, and I'm not trying to open wounds or start a flame war. I suspect that I'm missing something obvious involving what "P#" means or 3,667- means, or that distributed calculation of such multiplications is some entirely different project requiring more horsepower than what we're doing in NFS. Maybe the number sieve isn't doing what I think it's doing.

It can't be this simple, right? Something obvious is in my blind spot, and I'd love to understand this better.

Thank you, when you stop screaming or laughing, please be gentle. :)

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