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California State University Fullerton

User of the day

User profile ProfileRachel Rushing
I'm 26 years old. I grew up in California, but now reside in Metropolis, IL. I love science and math. I run multiple projects using BOINC. I love the...


BOINC Pentathlon - Thank you!
Thank you to all the BOINC Pentathlon participants who devoted their time and computing power to NFS@Home, and to SETI.Germany for organizing this event. We look forward to next time!
21 May 2024, 1:00:21 UTC · Discuss

BOINC Pentathlon
Welcome BOINC Pentathlon participants. NFS@Home has been chosen for the Javelin Throw discipline starting May 10 at midnight UTC.
9 May 2024, 16:31:16 UTC · Discuss

And we're back!
The NFS@Home server was unexpectedly caught up in a campus network reorganization. That knocked us offline for a bit over a day. There may be brief outages over the next few days as we get everything settled again, but we are mostly back up with a new IP address. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Edit: The site came back up in the US on Friday afternoon PST, but because of a misconfigured firewall it wasn't available worldwide until Saturday afternoon. Again, we apologize for the issues.
5 Jan 2024, 21:43:57 UTC · Discuss

NFS@Home will be offline Saturday, May 27
The NFS@Home project will be offline much of the day on Saturday, May 27, due to campus IT maintenance and testing. All access should be restored by 8pm PDT.

Greg Childers
26 May 2023, 17:40:13 UTC · Discuss

New record penultimate prime factor
NFS@Home has found a new record penultimate prime factor! 7,889M, which is a portion of the number 7^889+1, splits into 151-digit and 160-digit prime factors. This 151-digit prime factor beats the old record, a 147-digit prime factor of 12^293+1. Congrats to all contributors who helped set this new Cunningham project record!
25 Mar 2022, 23:52:00 UTC · Discuss

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