Workunit 364179900
name | C239_150_124_236185 |
application | 16e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers |
created | 22 Dec 2024, 21:45:07 UTC |
canonical result | 394470390 |
granted credit | 50.00 |
minimum quorum | 1 |
initial replication | 1 |
max # of error/total/success tasks | 4, 4, 1 |
Task click for details | Computer | Sent | Time reported or deadline explain | Status | Run time (sec) | CPU time (sec) | Credit | Application |
394470390 | 7232952 | 22 Dec 2024, 22:59:26 UTC | 26 Dec 2024, 11:04:55 UTC | Completed and validated | 1,049.72 | 1,020.39 | 50.00 | 16e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers v1.11 x86_64-apple-darwin |
395066763 | --- | --- | --- | Didn't need | 0.00 | 0.00 | --- | --- |