Last updated 14 Mar 2025, 22:55:03 UTC

Farscape ("I am a Construction Manager / Superintendent of construction by trade living in the...")
Chuck Sable ("Hello everyone, my name is Chuck Sable and I'm very pleased to be here. I'm a huge...")
Periwinkle ("I'm Perry and that's really all I have to say about myself.")
Steve Hawker* ("I've been crunching since 2012 and the more I do, the more I like it. I try to crunch...")
artemis8 ("I live in Kansas City, MO with my husband and son. I love to read, write, bicycle, camp,...")
Raubhautz* ("I'm a computer hobbiest who has been tinkering with computers since a ROP program in high...")
SC0RPI0M00N ("Biomed, eagle scout, mystic, parachute rigger.")
Gentleman Bronco
williebthere ("Married U.S. Air Force 1972-1976 Bricklayer - PCC Sober Collect old antique...")
Bryan ("I've been a member of SETI.USA since 2009. We are an International Team of like minded...")

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