Last updated 14 Mar 2025, 22:55:03 UTC

Maxwell [MM] ("I'm a graduate student in Minnesota, hoping to finish up soon and begin my career as an...")
Jeff17 ("I work in information technology. My primary interest is in the mathematical projects, but...")
trigggl ("I'm a five year survivor of a brain tumor, but in spite of that, I'm still able to perform...")
Stealth Eagle* (" I have been participating in distributed computing for 10 years now starting with SETI...")
Francis Butts ("I'm from Goodrich, MI., a small town north of Detroit. My career was in air transportation....")
Dr Dan T. Morris
Jesse Charles Wagner II [USA]
Rachel Rushing ("I'm 26 years old. I grew up in California, but now reside in Metropolis, IL. I love science...")
Mary ("I'm currently majoring in both Astrophysics and Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma....")

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