Last updated 14 Mar 2025, 17:55:05 UTC

NeoGen ("I'm a software developer from Portugal, with a great passion for Distributed Computing. I'm...")
Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate] ("Just helping Greg Childers on Post-Processing tasks of 14e and 15e Lattice Sieve...")
Duke of Buckingham [Black Sheep] ("Friends are like diamomds and diamonds are forever")
Van Fanel ("I'm just an alien trying to find a decent place to live with my fellow humans. By the...")
luis filipe pinheiro belejo (humanity,earth,science,technology useful friend) ("Portugal is my country i'm 44 years old i studied electronics on high school as for hobbies...")
2Sd5Z98jyvon3mMxXLMDpmP1cadB ("I am from Portugal.")
RICARDO ("Hello everyone! My name is Ricardo and I dedicate myself to valuing my old computers...")

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