Last updated 14 Mar 2025, 17:55:04 UTC

[FVG] bax ("Born in 1969, automation software engineer")
Michele ANSALDI ("23/03/2004 Me and my daughter Alicia in front of our house in Holguìn (Cuba) I am born...")
marianob [marche] ("Mi chiamo Mariano e sono italiano. My name is Mariano and I'm italian.")
jcuervo ("")
PinkPenguin (""A wise man wants for only nourishing cabbage soup; seek not other things. Except perhaps a...")
menelik [Lombardia]
Daniele [lombardia] ("Hi. My name is Daniele, born in 1969. I'm from a small town Ceriano Laghetto, near to...")
@@$tars_Finder@@ ("Hi :-). I'm Italian and crunching on many boinc projects to help scientific research.")
[CAMP] Cavidor ("Hi! I'm Enzo, from Ischia (Napoli) member of the BOINC.Italy team. good crunch to...")

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