Last updated 14 Mar 2025, 17:55:04 UTC

Dingo ("I am an Aussie born in Canada over sixty years ago, lived in Australia most of my life,...")
vaughan ("I'm the Co-site Admin at the AMD Users Distributed Computing Team forum")
Conan ("Have always liked maths but not the best at the higher stuff so that is where computers...")
rebel9 ("BOINC enthusiast. Programmer.")
PeterHallgarten ("I am an amateur radio operator VK3AVE from from way back when (well 25+ years). I am...")
Trog Dog ("Stark raving BOINCers! I've been bitten by the BOINC bug. I started off with SETI...")
kashi ("")
Philip ("Just a cruncher from down under")
jab_au ("System Administrator, Trekkie")
Crafty Miners ("The Crafty Miners Projects Boinc - NumberFields. Boinc - Einsteinathome.")

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