Last updated 13 Mar 2025, 18:50:04 UTC

schensi ("Hallo , ich bin 46 Jahre alt und arbeite als Telekommunikationstechniker . Seit Januar 2009...")
Stony666 ("Stolzes Mitglied des Grünen Planeten! Ich lebe in der Nähe von Frankfurt Ich...")
Stefan ("Hi, my name is Stefan and since May 2003 I`m team member of SETI.Germany: ...")
Steve_Martin@SETI.USA ("No more Time Zones No more Daylight Savings One World One Time UTC UTC UTC UTC")
Surcouf30 ("Jean 55 years old 3 children. Member of the mini team Occitania from the Alliance...")
Sysadm@Nbg ("cogito ergo sum sagt mein Computer, und damit er was zu denken hat crunche ich - a...")
Steve Dodd ("Crunching for The Planetary Society since May, 1999. Love chasing after badges and RAC :)...")
Stealth Eagle* (" I have been participating in distributed computing for 10 years now starting with SETI...")
Szopler (" My name is Michael. I live in Siedlce, Poland and I'm a memeber of the best polish team -...")

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