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Top teams

RankNameMembersRecent average creditTotal creditCountryType
1 Gridcoin 2263 3,261,418 14,197,482,772 International Computer type
2 Ukraine 84 448,412 117,852,221 Ukraine National
3 L'Alliance Francophone 545 279,900 1,154,711,100 International Unclassified
4 Czech National Team 229 238,727 605,947,738 Czech Republic Unclassified
5 Planet 3DNow! 177 216,738 820,965,548 Germany Unclassified
6 USA 234 196,184 188,475,953 United States National
7 Aggie The Pew 6 193,485 61,944,632 International Unclassified
8 XtremeSystems 27 169,085 646,546,337 International Unclassified
9 Ars Technica 49 136,376 288,503,329 International Unclassified
10 The Knights Who Say Ni! 54 129,462 111,700,487 International Unclassified
11 SETI.USA 214 114,443 695,893,068 International Unclassified
12 BOINC@AUSTRALIA 119 114,205 190,138,315 Australia Unclassified
13 Team 2ch 102 111,738 80,860,517 Japan Unclassified
14 NoTEAM 8 101,068 47,404,972 Germany Unclassified
15 Team China 625 93,092 132,265,649 China Unclassified
16 [NzN] www.nzn.at 1 88,440 19,045,004 Austria Unclassified
17 The Scottish Boinc Team 44 84,744 791,617,662 United Kingdom National
18 [H]ard|OCP 67 83,640 186,468,900 International Computer type
19 California State U. Fullerton Physics Dept. 48 78,685 498,043,987 United States University or department
20 Linux 9 65,632 10,933,532 International Unclassified

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