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The Education of the Culture Vulture Done The Education of the Culture Vulture

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The Education of the Culture Vulture
<h1>The Education of the Culture Vulture</h1>

Excerpt from the daily 'zine: The WyzAntian

Culture Vulture Curator

by Mademoiselle E. Obvious Wordsmith, M.e.O.W., PhD

" 'Allo. I received my PhD in The Philosophy of The Obvious and was licensed to practice confronting random people and helping to reiterate many of the most outstandingly, in-your-face, unavoidably obvious things people don't realize they need to be reminded of when on this journey of knowledge. I strongly believe that book smarts must meet life experience in order to work on the Icarus-like wings we need to fly through the fragile state of life and learning. But fly we must.

"My tenets are rooted in a belief that NEVER a day shall pass when one can NOT learn something NEW. Edifying oneself is a life-long pass to the Cedar Point Park of Mental Acuity. Buy the ticket and get on those 120 mph, looping, falling, spinning rides - and take your mind with you. Shake it up a bit.

"Create your own FIELD TRIPS. No need for parnetal guidance or signatures because they are your escorts! Engage your posse of friends and family to take a trip to a concert, check out the DSO, walk around Clawson, roam the DIA (then make a mental note to go back and finish roaming), visit Pewabic, hit up Cranbrook. listen to live jazz, go to readings, see some plays, attend a musical.

"A few weekends ago Mlle. headed out of town to the country South Park created. Canada ;) [I jest] - to the Shakespeare Festival to see The Bard's The Twelfth Night. and it was magic.

Alors. A demain, on y va! Wheeeee.

NYU MBA Offers English Writing & Editorial Skills

<h4>Jenny's Blog by Topic</h4>
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  • English 1
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  • Business 1
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  • Grammar 1
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  • Writing 1
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  • Public Speaking 1
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  • Dictionary 1
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  • Thesaurus 1
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  • Readability 1
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<h4> Blog Posts by Jenny </h4>

Created 13 Oct 2017
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