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Computer 7061091

Computer information
Owner Profile[SG]KidDoesCrunch
Created 5 May 2019, 17:48:38 UTC
Total credit 432,196
Average credit 0.09
Cross project credit BOINCstats.com Free-DC
CPU type GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz [Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 6]
Number of processors 32
Coprocessors NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (4095MB) driver: 390.65 OpenCL: 1.2
Virtualization None
Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Standard x64 Edition, (06.03.9600.00)
BOINC version 7.6.33
Memory 31.95 GB
Cache 256 KB
Measured floating point speed 2.73 billion ops/sec
Measured integer speed 7.95 billion ops/sec
Average upload rate 0.04 MB/sec
Average download rate 0.18 MB/sec
Average turnaround time 1.75 days
Application details Show
Tasks 0
Number of times client has contacted server 181
Last contact 17 May 2019

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