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Application details for host 7204491

15e Lattice Sieve 1.08 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 147
Max tasks per day 647
Number of tasks today 7
Consecutive valid tasks 147
Average processing rate 23.23 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.05 days
14e Lattice Sieve 1.08 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 7
Max tasks per day 507
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 7
Average processing rate 15.10 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.06 days
15e Lattice Sieve 1.08 windows_x86_64 (notphenomiix6)
Number of tasks completed 11112
Max tasks per day 2464
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 1964
Average processing rate 43.88 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.15 days
14e Lattice Sieve 1.08 windows_x86_64 (notphenomiix6)
Number of tasks completed 775
Max tasks per day 1275
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 775
Average processing rate 27.53 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.90 days
16e Lattice Sieve V5 1.11 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 50439
Max tasks per day 16389
Number of tasks today 43
Consecutive valid tasks 15889
Average processing rate 89.18 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.03 days
15e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers 1.08 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 565
Max tasks per day 1065
Number of tasks today 1
Consecutive valid tasks 565
Average processing rate 36.53 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.42 days
15e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers 1.08 windows_x86_64 (notphenomiix6)
Number of tasks completed 9625
Max tasks per day 4809
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 4309
Average processing rate 49.05 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.14 days
16e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers 1.10 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 0
Max tasks per day 383
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average turnaround time 0.00 days
16e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers 1.11 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 9562
Max tasks per day 1306
Number of tasks today 6
Consecutive valid tasks 807
Average processing rate 60.50 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.29 days
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