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Posts by Dimondium

1) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Wrong Page (from BOINC Manager) (Message 2227)
Posted 17 Aug 2021 by Dimondium
Fixed indeed! Thanks for taking the time to read and correct it.
2) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Wrong Page (from BOINC Manager) (Message 2215)
Posted 6 Aug 2021 by Dimondium
This is ultimately minor and nearly inconsequential, but I noticed that when clicking "Status of Numbers" from the home page, I am taken to https://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/numbers.php , which is correctly displaying 322 factored numbers. What is incorrect is when I click "Status of Numbers" from the BOINC application (which shows up when selecting a task from the project, on the left toolbar) it sends me to https://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/numbers.html which incorrectly displays only 299 factored numbers and seems to not have been updated in quite some time.

I imagine a quick tweak somewhere to make BOINC use the .php and not the .html page would solve this minor, but nonetheless existent problem. Thanks for your time.

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