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Posts by JZD

1) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Recent Errors in Lasieved
Message 2499
Posted 9 Oct 2024 by JZD
Linux bad.
process exited with code 1 (0x1, -255)</message>
boinc initialized
work files resolved, now working
-> ../../projects/escatter11.fullerton.edu_nfs/lasieved_1.11_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
-> -r
-> -f
-> 48624000
-> -c
-> 16000
-> -R
-> ../../projects/escatter11.fullerton.edu_nfs/177473_41m1.poly
-> -o
-> ../../projects/escatter11.fullerton.edu_nfs/177473_41m1_48624_1_r315520415_0
Expected to create 12  schedules on side 0, have 7
05:49:51 (2634649): called boinc_finish(1)


Windows good.
boinc initialized
work files resolved, now working
-> projects/escatter11.fullerton.edu_nfs/lasieved_1.08_windows_intelx86.exe
-> -r
-> -f
-> 48624000
-> -c
-> 16000
-> -R
-> ../../projects/escatter11.fullerton.edu_nfs/177473_41m1.poly
-> -o
-> ../../projects/escatter11.fullerton.edu_nfs/177473_41m1_48624_3_r440598530_0

total yield: 24126, q=48640001 (0.22471 sec/rel,  100.00625 % done of 16000)called boinc_finish


Why Linux is bad and Windows is fine? Workunit https://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/workunit.php?wuid=355476863.

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