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Posts by David

1) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Error in Computing (Message 774)
Posted 30 Dec 2011 by David
I know this is old news but I just have to say something.

I just signed in yesterday, 12/29. Downloaded many 16e & 15e workunits. My machine is an AMD FX-6100 6-core with 8 GB memory & a GTX460 video card. I only let BOINC use 5 cores at any one time. So 5 workunits started processing. The 1st 9 W/Us all erred out at between 1:53 & 1:56. So I started nosing around and found that they were consuming 70% of my 8 GB of memory and 100% of CPU time. The absolute highest memory usage I have ever seen. Then I stumbled into the workunit message logs for the failed W/Us on this website and found a message something like "cannot allocate 1199 mb" in each one. So I thought about it for awhile and decided to suspend all but 3 W/Us, letting only 3 process at any given time. This brought my memory usage down into the 55% range. Workunits began to finish successfully. Not all, but more than failed. I now also limit the number of 16e units to 2 simultanously as they seemed to be the memory hogs. So I will try to finish what I have in my cache. But I feel there is more work needed with memory management before this project is ready for prime time.

I hope this will help someone else out. Dave

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