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Posts by Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]

41) Message boards : NFS Discussion : Credits (Message 1942)
Posted 9 Oct 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
I still see tasks getting three times the credit for the same or lower CPU times....

Next step is to study and understand why this happens.
42) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Sept 10 2018 out of disk space again (Message 1940)
Posted 4 Oct 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
43) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Sept 10 2018 out of disk space again (Message 1931)
Posted 10 Sep 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Admin warned.
44) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : To Admin (Greg) . A lot of peope works on this project who is unable to handle results ! And no any news !!! (Message 1926)
Posted 30 Jul 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
I’ve reported the issue to Greg.
45) Message boards : NFS Discussion : Formula BOINC sprint at NFS@Home, July 5 - 8 (Message 1899)
Posted 5 Jul 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Noted with thanks.
15e and 16e queue admin's warned.
46) Message boards : News : Badges (Message 1894)
Posted 4 Jul 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Here you are:

lasieved - 14e
lasievee - 15e
lasievef - 16e
lasieve5f - 16e
47) Message boards : NFS Discussion : 14 (Message 1892)
Posted 3 Jul 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Application: lasieved - app for RSALS subproject, uses less than 0.5 GB memory: yes
48) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Log Out Button is Missing (Message 1883)
Posted 5 Jun 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Admin has been informed. Please let us know if anything else is missing after the update of the boinc server.
49) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Successful finished with 0.00 Credits (Message 1881)
Posted 5 Jun 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
I've warned the administrator.
50) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : 9th BOINC Pentathon 2018 (Message 1866)
Posted 7 Apr 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
To all NFS@Home crunchers....

It's that time again, the BOINC Pentathlon is just a few weeks away. For the ninth time, SETI.Germany invites the passionate crunchers from all over the world to compete in this team competition from 05 May to 19 May in five disciplines at five projects.

The teams may sign up and vote for their favorite projects from a pre-selection using the registration form at https://www.seti-germany.de/boinc_pe.../anmeldung.php until 27 April. Late registration until 02 May is possible, but without the opportunity to vote for projects.

For more information about the BOINC Pentathlon, please visit the Pentathlon pages: https://www.seti-germany.de/boinc_pentathlon/

It will be exciting again at the BOINC Pentathlon! Looking forward to seeing you again there!

Trailer 9th BOINC Pentathon 2018

51) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Computation errors in C169_15428908531_23 work units (Message 1865)
Posted 4 Apr 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
This composite has been deleted and requeued correctly.
52) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Computation errors on C253_131_98 work units (Message 1860)
Posted 29 Mar 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Admin has been warned.
53) Message boards : NFS Discussion : No work (Message 1834)
Posted 29 Jan 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
A couple of million wus will be added soon.
54) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : RAM, runtime and credits (Message 1815)
Posted 12 Dec 2017 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
The only thing we can do is change the specs at NFS@Home preferences which I've already notified the admin to do so.

We won't change the credit system since it is related to the difficulty of the number you're sieving.
55) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Any News? (Message 1813)
Posted 7 Dec 2017 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
At the moment sieving 7,833M (queued 7,847L) so I suppose the others are in post-processing stage but only Greg can verify.
56) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Post processing lasieve5f integers (Message 1800)
Posted 4 Aug 2017 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]

Looks like for the moment the bottleneck on the factorisation of the lasieve5f integers is the post processing stage, not the sieving stage. Can you share with us the type of server you need access too to post process a SNFS310, for example. I suppose 256GB of memory, 64 cores or more, Linux MPI, download of 80-90GB of unzipped files. Can you please enlighten us? Also estimated run times( 1 month, etc)

Thank you.
57) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : B248 (Message 1799)
Posted 4 Aug 2017 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Have you tried requesting support here?


Max usually helps tweaking/optimising the polys with CADO. Send me the poly and I'll do there the request.
58) Message boards : NFS Discussion : FB 3 day challenge (Message 1787)
Posted 27 Jul 2017 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
More wus will be added later in the evening.
59) Message boards : NFS Discussion : FB 3 day challenge (Message 1786)
Posted 27 Jul 2017 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Admins have been warned. Next time pm me.
60) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Status Updates (Message 1776)
Posted 11 May 2017 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Please check status page with two new entries.

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