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Posts by Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]

21) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : No work, server down, applications (Message 2324)
Posted 21 Aug 2022 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Hi all,

Thank you so much for your CPU cycles donation, it is much appreciated.
Back in 2009 when the project initiated only three applications were available: lasieved (14e Lattice Sieve),
lasievee (15e Lattice Sieve) and
lasieve5f (16e Lattice Sieve V5). Nowadays we have 2 more, the ones mentioned as smaller numbers.

If for some reason you are not getting any more work, most likely due to the fact that some of the server queues are empty, try to select at least those two new applications under your NFS@Home Preferences, like this:
Run only the selected applications
"lasieved - very small numbers, uses less than 0.5 GB memory, work may be infrequently available: yes
lasievee_small - small numbers, uses up to 0.8 GB memory: yee
lasievee - medium numbers, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes
lasievef_small - large numbers, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes
lasieve5f - huge numbers, uses up to 1.25 GB memory: no"

By doing this it will definitely get your cores busy with Wu's fitting lower memory systems. Be aware that lasieve5f (16e V5) will require more than 1.2GB/thread.
22) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Server down? (Message 2323)
Posted 21 Aug 2022 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
You're not getting any work because the applications you set to run have the queue empty. I recommend Going to "Preferences for this project" and select to get "lasievef_small" tasks too.
23) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : About GNFS and SNFS (Message 2305)
Posted 23 May 2022 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]

Please stop posting nonsense and request for numbers to be sieved when I don't see you deploying any CPU into NFS@Home. You will own the right to complain when I see you helping out with some kWh.

From now on all your posts will be deleted and further on you will be blocked if you keep with your current attitude.

Kind regards.
24) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Can the currently progress shown in pages? (Message 2300)
Posted 15 May 2022 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
2,2622L was done under the lasievef_small.
25) Message boards : NFS Discussion : 3,667- is P74 * P202 Question (Message 2142)
Posted 24 Mar 2021 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Hi there.

You are confused but thank you for your questions.

The P stands for prime factor and the number stands for number of digits.

The P74 and P202 are unique and are two unknowns. For this case they are represented as below. If you see on the status page another P74 it is not the same as this one. Notation thing and to simplify the results page although you have the link to pastebin for the all post-processing phase.

Sat Mar 20 02:17:11 2021 p74 factor: 25359506465081394537400918368811516993503730623239065990152596258171619851
Sat Mar 20 02:17:11 2021 p202 factor: 1230272830905372645155936347582471802810001959890217331006615213107201195904714920966951311311387729777205064177180055078095657461958973281700356722080397000095160208423082302916300621936315289528078031

3,667- means (3^667 - 1)

If you have time read this thread: https://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/forum_thread.php?id=549
Bear in mind we are only doing the "2. Sieving for Relations" stage on BOINC, the " 3. Combine Relations" is done on a cluster (we have a grant) and "1. Polynomial Selection" is done externally or by direct known polynomials.

More about the project here: https://homes.cerias.purdue.edu/~ssw/cun/
To be honest we need even more power than currently is deployed here but slowly we will progress on the Cunningham project...lol
26) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Are there really that many hosts here ? (Message 2093)
Posted 16 Aug 2020 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
They were when Syracuse university were running the project. What do you need from us so I can get in touch with Greg?
27) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Stats stuck? (Message 2088)
Posted 4 Aug 2020 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Sorted by admin.
28) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Upload Pending: Project Backoff (Message 2083)
Posted 19 Apr 2020 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Project is working fine.

You haven’t downloaded any wus on either of your computers therefore I cannot understand your message. One computer last connected 1st April, the other on the 16th March.
29) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Multithreading (Message 2043)
Posted 30 Jun 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Not yet.
30) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : work units in gridcoin (Message 2029)
Posted 19 May 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Go here:


And set to:

lasieved - app for RSALS subproject, uses less than 0.5 GB memory: no
lasievee - work nearly always available, uses up to 0.5 GB memory: no
lasievef - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes
lasieve5f - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes

Or if you’re running under other account just request the admin of it to create different NFS profiles( default, home, school, etc) allocating the settings mentioned above to one of the profiles. Then on your machine set it to it.
31) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Which is what application. (Message 2022)
Posted 3 May 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
In the Preferences it has

14 lasieved - app for RSALS subproject, uses less than 0.5 GB memory: yes
15 lasievee - work nearly always available, uses up to 0.5 GB memory: yes
16 lasievef - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: no
16 lasieve5f - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: no

Which of these are 14, 15 16 ??
32) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Queues (Message 2016)
Posted 29 Apr 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
I’m still getting 16w wus therefore I suppose the stats are stuck.
33) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Notation (Message 2012)
Posted 3 Apr 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]

What is this most recent "GX139" number that is being sieved?

Here's the poly for GX139_123 (C206 xyyz139_123 139^123+123^139).

n: 32030731016440682777065354721302752319396528561887718275010943791422401733138770874875013988992282966916694379386222588227067753509923096299768661077024692164623187468602947896220375896898149402189690061819
# MurphyE(Bf=1.000e+07,Bg=5.000e+06,area=1.000e+16) = 2.107e-15
skew: 758009406.84691
c0: 137590190631534878358422419258553863917875388884862
c1: 164573777586510141237335590511706400855489
c2: -1450105737514750858673830964438693
c3: 464312981092984010304351
c4: 1251482803942791
c5: 1411200
Y0: -12601339721892862582748708202204842976691
Y1: 743324161454990349821163538
type: gnfs
lss: 0
alim: 250000000
rlim: 250000000
lpbr: 33
lpba: 33
mfbr: 67
mfba: 96
rlambda: 2.6
alambda: 3.6
34) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Notation (Message 2010)
Posted 31 Mar 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Hi Davided,

Details on Cunningham Numbers can be found here:



Homogeneous Cunningham numbers:

Cullen and Woodall numbers and their generalization to other bases:

Brent tables reservations:


Fibonacci and Lucas Factorizations
35) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : Notation (Message 2008)
Posted 31 Mar 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Hi Davide,

Welcome aboard NFS@Home.

For the Cunningham project notation description please read the following two links:


Kind regards

36) Message boards : News : Updates (Message 2004)
Posted 28 Mar 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Could you upload and link the pastebin of the factorisations done up to 10,311+? TIA.
37) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : BSOD Memory Managment (Message 1990)
Posted 8 Feb 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]

Bem vindo ao NFS@Home. De facto precisas de mais memoria para correr o NFS, 16GB não é suficiente para teres 24 aplicações a correr ao mesmo tempo. Sugiro que tenhas pelo menos 1,5 a 2 GB por cada thread.

38) Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : No space left on server (Message 1984)
Posted 22 Jan 2019 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
out of disk space again.

Noted and admin warned.
39) Message boards : NFS Discussion : Credits (Message 1947)
Posted 11 Oct 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
Best wishes on your new endeavours.
40) Message boards : NFS Discussion : Credits (Message 1944)
Posted 10 Oct 2018 by Profile Gigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
You’re free to do whatever you like but please be aware that knowledge is everything, the will to understand how thing works should be a quest to everybody, even on real life.

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