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Thread 'To Admin (Greg) . A lot of peope works on this project who is unable to handle results ! And no any news !!!'

Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : To Admin (Greg) . A lot of peope works on this project who is unable to handle results ! And no any news !!!
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Message 1925 - Posted: 30 Jul 2018, 17:24:42 UTC

I can understand the problem of capacity.
But why to produce WU if the project (server) is not able to manage it ???
On the site, the up/download server seems to run normally, but nobody can upload !?!?!?
Always the same error : "server out of disk space"
The worst is that there are no any reactions !
I can understand it is hollidays. I can understand Admin is not 24/24h, 7/7d, 365/365y connected on server.
But then if it is holliday time, let known. By respect for all people who crunch WU.
At this time (17:16GMT) it seems there are about 169,128 WU ready to send and 145,774 current.
So about 310,000 WU. Each WU use about 10kb . So about 3,100,00 Kb .
With other words, about three Gigabytes !!! This for the whole planet !
And the server is out of disk space !?!?!?
Why DB puirge is disabled ? I understand because there are no any WU waiting deletion
It seems not serious. Sorry. I appologyze about this thread, but please update from Admin.

Best regards from the first Belgiam team admin.
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ProfileGigacruncher [TSBTs Pirate]
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Message 1926 - Posted: 30 Jul 2018, 17:58:39 UTC

I’ve reported the issue to Greg.
ID: 1926 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Message boards : Questions/Problems/Bugs : To Admin (Greg) . A lot of peope works on this project who is unable to handle results ! And no any news !!!

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